Our Location: (GPS coordinates)

39°12’03.4″N 81°32’18.2″W

39.200934, -81.538398

145 Conley Drive
Mineral Wells, WV 26150

Located just outside Parkersburg, WV, 1 mile from I-77 exit 170, 16 miles south of Ohio state line. I-77 intersects with U.S. Route 50, WV Rt. 47 in the area, and runs concurrently with WV Rt. 2 at this point.

How to Get Here:

From Interstate –77: take Mineral Wells exit (170). Turn north on WV Rt. 14, toward Parkersburg.  Drive approx. 1 mile, over top of hill and down the other side. At bottom of hill, turn left then another immediate left onto Conley Drive.  Continue 0.3 miles.

From South Parkersburg: take WV Rt. 14 S. from South Parkersburg. Continue past Walmart shopping center, through a narrow S-curve. At bottom of hill, where Rt. 14 becomes a divided highway, turn right, then immediate left onto Conley Drive. Continue 0.3 miles.

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